Fountain Place
1445 Rose Ave.Dallas, TX 75202
Things to do
Walk around and enjoy the fountains and admire the craftmanship and organization of fountain place
Fountain Place is an office building with a internationaly acclainmed, award winning design. The structure has 60 stories, with 58 of them containing offices. It is 720 feet high and totals 1.2 million square feet. It has 26,000 panes of glass. The building was designed by I.M. Pei & Partners and the plaza by Dan Kiley. The Plaza contains bald Cyprus trees.
But that isn't what is the most interesting from a tourist standpoint. The neat thing about Fountain place is that it has water art. The plaza conatains 172 bubbler fountains in pools and there are 360 fountain heads in the Centrarl Court Fountain.