Dallas Zoo
650 S. RL Thorton FreewayDallas, TX 75203
Adults (12-64): $10.00Children (3-11): $7.00
Seniors (age 65+): $7.00
Children (2 and Under): Free
Members of the Dallas Zoological Society: Free
Hours of Operation
9:00am -4:00pm dailyThings to do
See the penguinsDescription
The Dallas Zoo was founded in the late 19th century and was the first zoological park in the Southwest. It is the largest zoo in Texas sitting on 95 acres of land. Marking the entrance is a sculpture depicting a giraffe which is 67½ feet tall and is the tallest statue in the state.
The park is home to 406 species and 1,800 animals (6,800 counting invertebrates) which are distributed across the main regions of the zoo: ZooNorth and the Wilds of Africa.--from Wikipedia and DallasZoo.com