During high school I attended Francis Tuttle's Pre-Engineering Academy where I learned many of the skills necessary to succeed in a world where non-technical people abound. I participated in two FIRST Robotics competitions; I was selected for the Superintendent's Leadership Academy through Francis Tuttle, as well. I regularly volunteer during Bio-Blitz, sponsored by the state parks in Oklahoma and the Biological Survey at the University of Oklahoma.
I am currently attending Francis Tuttle Technology Center's Web Design and Development and their Programming and Software Development courses. I hope to find a job doing the things I would do for free.
I worked on the coding and graphics for this website. I have been attending Francis Tuttle for a little over half a year. So far I have become a CIW Associate, have learned basic xhtml and CSS, and plan to continue studying and pursue a career in web design. I am a freshman in college and plan to graduate with a Bachelor's Degree.
I have been in the Web Design & Development program since August 2008. The knowledge I have obtained during this course has enabled me to become a CIW Associate. I contributed to the Flash animations and coding for this website. Upon completion of college, I plan to hold a degree in Applied Science and Technology. One day I would like to own my own web design company.