PHP with MySQL Beoyond the Basics

Chapter 3: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

This chapter covers the beginnings of object-oriented programming.


Defining Classes
The class created has no information, it's just been created. The page displays the results of class_exists() on a class that has been created and one that hasn't. The other method learned was get_declared_classes(), which shows all declared classes.
Defining Class Methods
The page simply displays the results of get_class_metohds and method_exists.
Instantiating a Class
The page displays using get_class, is_a, and calling methods.
Referencing an Instance
The page displays code that called $this to reference the instance. $this was utilized in the get_class() function as well as in the hello() method, which simply calls the say_hello() method.
Defining Class Properties
Simple calling functions and creating and setting instance variables. The exercise also included getting all the class vairables and using property_exists().